Action/Reaction Movement/Transformation


I was not particularly inspired by this assignment.. but I think I managed to get pretty into it.  My favorite drawing from this set is the tin foil hand because there were so many planes with contrast that I could include the detail of.  I also really enjoyed doing the whipped cream drawing..mostly because I got to eat whipped cream.  I don’t really like the scissor drawing because I feel like I did not plan it out in a way that was fitting to what I was trying to accomplish.  The drawing of books was also pretty fun to do because I got a little tired of drawing hands over and over.  I also like the overlap of the drawings and how certain lines come forward and others blend together.

Speaking of movement and transformation… here are some pages from my sketchbook…Image


I drew these at one of my sister’s softball games.  I watched her warm up and drew her in motion.  It was pretty difficult, but it was fun to draw quickly and watch the repetitive motions.



Oddly enough, these two pages are from a visit to the strip club.  A friend of mine had a party at one and I decided to bring my sketchbook…kind of like figure drawing, right?  They all moved very quickly and were really interested in what i was doing.  It was a little weird, but it was a good time and a fun drawing experience.

Alternative materials self portrait


This is my favorite project we’ve had in this class!! I really liked messing around with all the stuff I chose to use.  I used soy sauce, coffee, pomegranate juice, 2 different kinds of mio drink, frosting and breath strips.  I found that if I left the materials out to dry that as the water evaporated the substances became more pigmented and easier to work with.  I only started over once, and I went about the second time very strategically with layers.  I used illustration board since all of my materials were wet and I didnt want to disrupt the surface of the paper.  The background looks a little bit wonky, but I really liked that I decided to include some of Luke’s plants that are sitting all around the studio.  I think I did a pretty good job with this project and it was really exciting to see what everyone else did for theirs.


Speaking of alternative materials….here’s some sketchbook pages of mine..

ImageI wiped clay onto paper with my finger and let it dry, then I used a pencil to scrape it off.


Self portrait


This is the first self portrait we did this semester.  It took me a long time to proportions of the features right and I spent so long on it that I completely forgot to include a background.  Since we were really focusing on anatomy in class, I decided to challenge myself by not including a shirt in my composition.  Drawing fabric is really comforting to me because I know it doesn’t have to be that accurate and I can kind of make it up.  I still think that some of the features are off…like the nose looks a little too small and I think the eyes are too far apart.  To improve this drawing, I could re examine the proportions with a fresh set of eyes and see what I can change.  I can also include a background so I can make the figure stand out and not have a confusing light source.

Drawing “Wrapped” Project


This project didn’t seem very hard to me at first since I love drawing fabric, but once I got started I began to get frustrated soon after.  My first object that I chose was a bouquet of flowers that I wrapped in paper and bound on the ends with yarn.  I liked the geometric shape that was presented with the sharp corners of the folds of the paper.  But I felt that I was losing the object in the background and it was not pushing forward through the folds of the fabric.  I decided to do the Ken doll instead because it was a semi-recognizable figure that could be perceived as an eerie subject matter.  The fact that I was very frustrated while I was wrapping the doll seemed to put a lot of emotion into the drawing itself and I think that can be read.  The value needs to be pushed a little more which I will be working on later tonight and bumping up the contrast in certain areas.

Drawing Post 2 & 3


Organizational line has always been kind of difficult for me.  I used the edge of a graphite stick on this drawing to guide the edges of my construction lines and boxes which helped a lot.  I took a big leap with this assignment and left in a lot of the marks that I usually take out.  On the left hand side, the objects look a little wonky, but I feel confident that this drawing is only the start to more improvements.  I definitely still need to work on defining the foreground, middle ground and background because they become unclear in my drawings.  The bricks in the background are a problem area for me, because I drew them way too dark for their intended purpose.


I worked really hard on these sketchbook drawings. I tried to find some interesting objects that I wouldn’t normally draw in construction boxes.  My favorite of the set is the shoe.  I think it turned out really well and there is an interesting balance between the organizational line and contour line describing the attitude of the shoe.  The sewing machine was pretty interesting to analyze, and the dramatic lighting of the scene encouraged me to add value.



THIS ASSIGNMENT WAS VERY CHALLENGING.  Finding an interesting perspective that I felt confident in taking on was a challenge to come up with.  I tried to illustrate a narrative within each of these drawings.  I worked really hard on trying to show the foreground, middle ground and background in the second drawing, which I kind of accomplished, but the background is lacking.  The first drawing was a little messy and I wish I would have used the same objects in a different way.  The tangent between the two wine glasses drives me crazy and I wish I would have put more attention into the plant hanging over.  In the second drawing, the perspective on the game cube is off by a bit- I re drew it about 10 times and I just couldn’t seem to understand the object in relation to everything around it.  I was very frustrated with this assignment, but I think it helped me a lot with the in class drawing.


I was watching A Beautiful Mind when I was working on these pages in my sketchbook.  I was thinking about how everyone perceives things differently and the constant comparison we have to each other.  I put each of these strips next to each other and decided which looked best, which stood out the most, and what was the most interesting.  I also liked taking strips of magazine pages out of context and mixing and matching very different subjects into one macro view of color.


I found a stack of national geographic magazines that I fell in love with.  I wanted to play around with  mixing natural environments that may or may not interact with each other regularly in a comparison type situation.  And of course, all of the photos are beautifully taken and almost take you into another world.


Just messing around in my sketchbook.  I found a spool of thread and started making triangles.  Then I just messed around with the different shades I could use to fill in the triangular grid with.

I found a series of photos on my photobooth that resembled a mug shot, so I took it to a different artsy element.  I love traditional art that resembles digital mediums, so I decided to play around with it.


These are doodles i sketched while I was at a party.  I started drawing a girls leg warmer, and then she got up so I just continued on from imagination.  Also, my teeth were hurting so I started drawing teeth.

Drawing II First Assignment/Sketches

For our first assignment in Drawing II, we were told to use organizational line as well as contour.  I chose to set up a still life that would peak my interest and show both organic line and more organized figures.  I chose the bouquet of half-dead roses because I liked the natural feel of the flowers and I was excited about the way I could express the weight of each petal with my line.  The pitcher they are placed in seemed to be interesting enough to express with organizational line.  To go with the pitcher of flowers, I chose to add a similar concept with the glass jar filled with dried flowers.  I liked the shape of the jar and the flowers inside seemed to be have an interesting history within them.  The nail polish bottle on top of it seemed to be a good way of showing a structural object.  The boot was added for my own interest in showing different textures and shapes.  I feel that I may have relied a little too much on contour and avoided structuring my drawing with organizational line.  I wish I would let myself keep more lines in but I always feel that it ends up being too cloudy to read.  For my next assignment I will definitely try to push my limits and leave in more history lines. (Pardon the horrible photo)

IMG_6541I’ve been having a lot of fun in my sketchbook.  I’m really glad that we can use moleskins for class now because they’re my favorite sketchbooks to draw in.Assignment 1 thumbnails

These are a few thumbnails I used to explore the objects I wanted to address in my final drawing for my first assignment.  They’re a little hard to see…I should probably draw darker.


I found a really cool German Magazine called Novum, so I cut a few things out of there and was playing around with them.  I’ve also been drawing a lot of my friends as pictured in the top right image above, Avin is sitting and unknowingly posing for a quick drawing.  On the bottom right image, I “borrowed” a rose from my friend Conner’s bouquet that his boyfriend so lovingly gave to him and dipped it in ink and experimented with the texture.


I really like to draw the female body- especially my own.  Many times I like to take nude photos of myself to experiment with in my sketchbook.  A couple of these are pictured above.


On Friday morning I went to the free figure drawing session with my friend AJ since he had to go as a punishment for being late to his drawing class.  I love figure drawing so I offered to accompany him.  I started off with a gesture like drawing in pencil and progressed to a contour-ish pastel drawing.  In between I used graphite, conte and pen to explore the figure in ways I might have not been able to in class.  I had a lot of fun and I definitely want to go again.